Activities CSPC Intramurals

2011 College Intramurals First Aid Service and Income Generating Project

Thursday, September 08, 2011CSPC-CRCYC

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges- Red Cross Youth Council (CSPC-RCYC) renders First Aid Service to this year’s College Intramurals held last September 5-8, 2011.

As an annual activity of the institution, it aims for the selection of the best athletes, the CSPC-RCYC found its way of serving the college through activating the Safety Services Committee.  This is an activity allowed by the college primarily aiming at the safety of the individuals who are mainly involved in games, literary, musical event and the cheer dancing competition. Basically, the First Aid Services are for everyone.

The makeshift first aid station.

Mr. Karl Chester Intia, the Committee Director of the Safety Services organized the set of First Aiders who will volunteer and render their time during the intramurals. The First Aid station was built near the Villafuerte Hall, a location where in immediate health care may be given.

On the First day, September 5, there were only 2 volunteers and those volunteers stayed at the station waiting for any urgent emergency situation and fortunately no cases of injury were reported.

The following day, September 6, heavy rains poured down resulting to the collapse of the First Aid Station. The collapse of the station created a major problem since the First Aiders had no stable location to perform first aid measures. One of the major injuries reported on that day is the suspected right rib fracture of a soccer player. The first aiders responded to that situation and transported the patient to the temporary first aid station. Interventions were given to relieve the pain suffered by the athlete and the first aiders decided to refer the case to the school clinic which was in turn referred to Rinconada Medical Center (RMC). Other injuries reported were bruises, cuts, wounds and abrasions. On September 7, the first aid station was rebuilt and documented case includes the patient who reported vomiting and loose bowel movement.

Another patient was admitted at the station who was suffering an asthma attack. The usual intervention was rendered and was referred to the school clinic for further assessment. On the last day, September 8, that was the last day of the intramurals and the championship games were being held and cases of bruises, cuts and wound are again reported.

CSPC-RCYC poses, tired oily faces and all, after besting all other organizations in the CSC accreditation.

Part of the last day program was the announcement of the organizations that topped on the accreditation of the Central Student Council (CSC). Garnering an average score of 94% during the accreditation, the Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges-Red Cross Youth Council ranked 1 among the organizations that submitted their accreditation papers on August 15, 2011.

Generally, the First Aid Service was a success despite the weather. Trauma and medical cases were reported and first aid volunteers successfully rendered their services to injured victims.

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The Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges - College Red Cross Youth Council (CSPC-CRCYC) is a non-profit college organization under the Philippine Red Cross, upholding the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.


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