Activities CSPC-CRCYC

2011 Fluvial Procession for the Nuestra Señora de Peñafrancia: CSPC-RCYC Renders First Aid Service

Saturday, September 17, 2011CSPC-CRCYC

Bicol is one of the regions in the Philippines with a very strong devotion to the Mother Mary, a manifestation of the great presence of Catholics in this country. Bicolanos from all walks of life will be in Naga City to meet their relatives and partidarios, share food, drinks, and prayers with them, and most of all, to pay homage and make thanksgiving to the Virgin of Peñafrancia, whom the Bicolanos fondly call Ina.

A multicolored pagoda carrying the images/icons of the Virgin of Peñafrancia and the Divino Rostro will pass through the Bicol River. Male, sunburned devotees of the Virgin will adhere to the huge pagoda in a heartwarming display of faith and devotion. Actually, the fluvial procession marks the return of the Virgin from the Naga Metropolitan Cathedral to her home shrine at the Basilica. Upon its arrival, the Virgin will be received in formal religious rites by Roman Catholic dignitaries of the Bicol Region.

In this celebration where groups crowd and travel, different response agencies formulates emergency response teams and groups in cases of emergency situations during the peak of the celebration. Under the Joint Operations Commission (JOC), together with the different medical teams the Red Cross- Camarines Sur Chapter was requested to render First Aid Service and assist in any emergency situations during the Fluvial Procession. The Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges-Red Cross Youth Council under the Red Cross- Camarines Sur Chapter also aided in rendering Safety Services to all pilgrims, devotees and individuals present at the site last September 17, 2011 at the Naga City Public Market.

The maximum number of 20 volunteers was not attained during the assembly of the First Aid Volunteers. Only 15 volunteers were around that day and were able to participate in the first aid service. The First aid volunteers were under the supervision of the RCYC adviser Mr. Alvin Franco A. Agtarap. Again the volunteers were divided in 2 groups, 1st group will be designated at the First Aid Station and the 2nd group will be the mobile team. Leaving CSPC at 10:00 in the morning, the volunteers arrived at the site almost 12:00 noon. The First Aid Station was located on a space at the People’s Mall building at the Naga City Public Market.

It was around 3 pm when the images of Virgin of Penafrancia and Divino Rostro passed along the streets of the Public Market heading the flowing waters of Naga City. From there a multicolored pagoda awaits the approaching icons of devotion. Meanwhile, the mobile group strode to the busy streets of the Public market where barefooted voyadores approached the mobile team for First aid assistance on punctured wounds.

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The Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges - College Red Cross Youth Council (CSPC-CRCYC) is a non-profit college organization under the Philippine Red Cross, upholding the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.


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