Activities CSPC Acquaintance Induction and Ball

Acquaintance, Induction And Ball: RCYC Officers Pledge and Extend First Aid Service

Saturday, July 02, 2011CSPC-CRCYC

Guided with the theme “Friendship, Camaraderie: Key to Unity,” the newly elected set of officers of the Central Student Council (CSC), together with the different campus organizations and CSPCeans, had their Induction, Acquaintance and Ball last July 1, 2011 at the CSPC Freedom Park.

The activity aimed at developing the solidarity among students, both of Nabua and Buhi campuses, under the leadership of the elected CSC Presidents.

The program started at 7:30 pm with a number of students already gathered for the event. The emcee started calling each college department, also recognizing the presence of the student population attending the event. Series of entertainment were presented followed by the Induction rites of the officers coming from the different organizations in the college.

Mr. Jose Ariel R. Ibarrientos, head of the Student Affairs Moderator, was the inducting officer of the said activity. Along with the other campus organizations, the CSPC-RCYC pledged during the induction rites as part of accepting respective responsibilities and obligations as an officer.

After which, the CSPC-RCYC set a first aid post to provide safety services to the CSPCeans in spite of the social event. The RCYC also launched its Income Generating Project in front of the Duran Hall wherein a booth was placed for snacks and drinks to be sold to everyone.

One highlight of the program was the release and display of fireworks after the inspirational message delivered by Dr. Dulce F. Atian, the College President.

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The Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges - College Red Cross Youth Council (CSPC-CRCYC) is a non-profit college organization under the Philippine Red Cross, upholding the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.


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