Activities CSPC dual meet first aid service

CSPC Dual Meet First Aid Service

Wednesday, October 05, 2011CSPC-CRCYC

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges-Dual Meet is one of the biggest annual activity that the CSPC community is waiting for. It is where the greatest among the players were chosen to represent the CSPC in the upcoming State Colleges and University Athletes Association (SCUAA) competition. The two big campuses of the CSPC, the Main and the Naga Campus battle heads on to determine who among these campuses is the champion. This event is participated by many great players in their destined field of sports, proudly representing their respective campuses. With this type of event, it is also expected that numerous spectators would come and watch.

This kind of event would require a first aid team to ensure the safety of the players as well as the spectators. With this, the Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges-Red Cross Youth Council (CSPC-RCYC) lend their service by deploying vigilant and competent first aiders to ensure the safety of the participants. The RCYC safety services deployed 20 first aiders and were divided accordingly to the prioritized events, the basketball, taekwondo, sepak takraw, athletics, and volleyball. Each event was given three first aiders and the remaining five stayed at the mother station.

At 8:00 AM,on the day of the event, the first aiders were oriented with their event assignments and some of the policies. At 9:00 AM, the dual meet has officially started with the parade of the players. The first aiders were also preparing the mother station that was located in the left wing of the gymnasium’s stage. While the first aiders are preparing, a female student has been brought to the mother station complaining of dysmenorhea. The first aiders that were stationed at the mother station provided first aid management to the casualty and endorsed to the college clinic for more prompt treatment. Another casualty was also endorsed to the mother station, a male basketball player from CSPC-Naga Campus has been assessed and was found out to have a sprain on his right ankle. Immediate management was also given to the player involving application of elastic bandage, ice compress, and elevation of the foot. Afterwards, the patient was endorsed to the college clinic for much attentive management. The day ended with no other casualty hurt.

The event ended around 5:00 PM. Fortunately, the event ended with only two casualties being managed. The first aiders were gathered, thanked for their effort, and dismissed at around 5:15 PM. The event was a success and the CSPC-Naga Campus was declared champion and brought home the bacon.

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The Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges - College Red Cross Youth Council (CSPC-CRCYC) is a non-profit college organization under the Philippine Red Cross, upholding the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.


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