Activities Basic Leadership Training

Leadership Formation Course (LFC) and Basic Leadership Training BLT)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011CSPC-CRCYC

The Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges- Red Cross Youth Council (CSPC-RCYC) conducted the Leadership Formation Course (LFC) and Basic Leadership Training (BLT) last October 17-18, 2011 at the Library Building of CSPC- Nabua campus.

With the three (3) dignified National Youth trainers, Mr. Christian Bermal, Mr. Elvis J. Lumame and Mr. Amiel G. Belza, the CSPC-RYC officers and committee directors and members undergone and completed the two (2) days training composing the Leadership Formation Course (LFC) and the Basic Leadership Training (BLT), two (2) of the components of the Leadership Development Program (LDP) of the Red Cross Youth. The first component, Youth Volunteers Orientation Course (YVOC) was already undergone by the council last August 31, 2011. Under the Leadership Formation Course (LFC), five (5) modules were discussed namely; the Concept of Man, Self- Awareness, Human Dignity, Human Development Concept and Organizational Concept. After which the Basic Leadership Training (BLT) with its five (5) modules namely: Communication, Values Clarification, Social Etiquette, Leadership and Team Building were equally distributed and assigned to the national youth trainers for discussion and practical applications.

The first (1st) day training started at nine o’clock (9:00) in the morning with a short program prepared by the trainers. The participants were encouraged by the trainers to lead the Red Cross Youth Pledge and Fundamental Principles of the Red Cross and the Red Cross Movement followed by the presentation and discussion of the modules with the indoor activities under the Leadership Formation Course (LFC) and Basic Leadership Training (BLT). On the second (2nd) day, discussions of the modules were continued and the activity was highlighted by the Team Building Activity in the afternoon. The participants were divided in two (2) groups and obstacles were prepared by the trainers. The activity was a race which was competed by the two (2) teams aiming to build the leadership skills of one another, teamwork, unity and cooperation of the members of the team. The race ended eight o’clock (8:00) in the evening followed by the awarding of the Best Team and the Best Team Leader.

The said trainings aimed to develop the leadership skills of the participants and hone them in becoming a great leader who will provide humanitarian services under the organization’s framework. Also, it is a way to open the awareness of the members of the organization about the Fundamentals of the Red Cross Movement, its goals, objective and principles. The council envisions that the participants would understand better the importance of the humanitarian services rendered by the organization and the activity served as a means to encourage more Red Cross Volunteers who will provide humanitarian services in different activities of the Red Cross.

The success of this activity was made possible through the effort of the Council Development Committee Director, Mr. Bryan Deo Tataro and the officers of the Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges- Red cross Youth Council (CSPC-RCYC) headed by Mr. Rodel Notorio.

The event mentioned was one of the requirements of the delegates and observers for the National Youth Congress to be held in Bukidnon on October 21-23, 2011.

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The Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges - College Red Cross Youth Council (CSPC-CRCYC) is a non-profit college organization under the Philippine Red Cross, upholding the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.


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