Activities Basic Disaster Nursing Course

Basic Disaster Nursing Course: Second Batch

Friday, June 10, 2011CSPC-CRCYC


As a prerequisite course for the level 4 students in the College of Health Care Technology, the Red Cross Youth Council had organized a four-day training course regarding Disaster Management under the supervision of Mr. Alvin Franco A. Agtarap - an Emergency and Disaster Management instructor.

Ninety-nine fourth year Bachelor of Science in Nursing Students apprehended and engaged in the Disaster Management in Nursing Course at the Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges last June 9-12, 2011.

The fourth year Nursing students in the College of Health Care Technology participated to gain knowledge from Red Cross trainers who were invited to lecture about the said course.

Due to the vast numbers of participants in contrast with the number of trainers, the organizers and facilitators divided the population into two groups, which were then handled by the four trainers namely: Mr. Wilson, Mr. Marlon, Ms. Jasmine and Mr. Agtarap.

As an annual training ground, the Red Cross Youth Council aimed at providing the BSN level four students certain awareness about the different modules in the Philippine Red Cross Principles and discussions about Disaster Management and activities where they can help and participate in times of sudden events that have very unfortunate consequences – involving large-scale loss of life and property.  Teaching strategies were utilized and the students were able to express their ideas and concerns during activities.

The simulation regarding Disaster Management was on the last day wherein the students were assigned of their respective roles and functions.

The simulation was completed and the student rescuers were exhausted as they proceeded to the Discussion Hall. Student Leaders shared their comments and concerns regarding the Simulation. Shortly, as a part of the closing program, a presentation prepared by the Documentation Committee was presented. Finally, the program was ended with the acknowledgement to all the participants, facilitators, advisers, and especially the trainers of the Philippine Red Cross.

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The Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges - College Red Cross Youth Council (CSPC-CRCYC) is a non-profit college organization under the Philippine Red Cross, upholding the principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.


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